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来源:北国网    编辑:Emily     浏览量:




  Mr.Jiang Xianchun's painting and calligraphy are unique. Its vigorous boundless, majestic, thought and god, with abstract ink means the classic, he with rich life experience and knowledge for the background, to achieve the support of ink kung fu, a broken after the ancient and law, because of the heart, it shows that Mr Jiang Xianchun's artistic capability and achievements. Reading Mr.Jiang Xianchun's works of calligraphy and painting, I feel a fresh and quaint breath blowing on the face, its work is pure breath, vigorous, simple, ethereal and free and easy. The pursuit of ink interest and pure style, vast, fresh and elegant; and a direct to the heart. His outline lines, cotton with rigid, rich and bright ink and free and easy, fine ink method is subtle, aboveboard trees, branches like dragon claws, changing clouds and smoke, the expression of color and ink blend, contains a rich sense of composition and spicy flavor, its simple and powerful, thick, bold and rich in emotion.






  Jiang Xianchun charity artist, China Red Creation Achievement Award gold medal, Chinese painting landscape 100 outstanding Asia-Pacific art master, Chinese news artist image ambassador. He has studied in the Correspondence University of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the Graduate class of Chinese Calligraphy and received his doctorate degree in Chinese art. During the period by Li Keran, Yao Zhihua, Ouyang Zhongshi many famous teachers teachings. Now he is the vice president of China National Calligraphy and Painting Academy, a member of Chinese Art Research Society, a standing member of Chinese Art Society, a member of International Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Artists Association, a director of Chinese Arts and Crafts Association, a director of Chinese Painters Association, and a president of Jiaodong Painting Academy, Huaxi Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Senior artist, and won the traditional painting and calligraphy art two only. The research topic of feng shui landscape painting was awarded the second prize of scientific research project of the Institute of Science and Technology Management by experts, which is the only research achievement of traditional painting and calligraphy art in China.





  In 2000, he was awarded as a contemporary outstanding talent by the Ministry of Personnel, and his performance was included in more than 20 collections. In 2013, he was invited by Shanxi Provincial Propaganda Department of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee to participate in the implementation of President Xi Culture first. The president of each provincial painting academy participated in the exhibition. Mr.Jiang Xianchun participated in the exhibition as the reputation of an honorary senior artist at the grass-roots level. Mr.Jiang Xianchun's Chinese feng shui landscape painting, creative pioneering with thick ink splash light ink, with water splash ink, with color splash ink, with rich thick and light color reconstruction nature. Vivid charm, the unity of nature and man, to play the effect of carrying the blessing.










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