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来源:中华网    编辑:Emily     浏览量:


  Calligraphy and calligraphy contains the extensive and profound national culture. Under the background of building a strong socialist culture, it is particularly important to inherit and develop the art of painting and calligraphy. In the artistic creation of life, the creator grasps the pulse of The Times, listens to the sound of the sound of The Times, shows the national spirit with vivid and vivid works, appreciates the artistic essence and philosophical connotation of painting and calligraphy, and describes the spiritual map of the new era. As a famous contemporary calligrapher and painter, Mr.Shu Qinghuan positioned his creation in walking into nature, culture and tradition. His works reflect in the overall poetic beauty and fresh charm of the special charm of the integration of traditional aesthetics and the spirit of The Times. Therefore, the Global Culture and Art Channel diligently explores the inheritance and development of painting and calligraphy in many aspects; casting the cultural character and spirit of the nation; and expressing his learning, nurturing mind and aesthetic pursuit.







  Shu Junhuan (1940.4----) Hunan Xupu people, contemporary oil painting art masters. In 1965, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and was taught by Wu Zuoren, Dong Xiwen and Luo Gongliu. Excellent in graduation. In the following 50 years, he created more than 700 oil paintings with all his loneliness, unremitting self-improvement, pursuing art and not seeking fame and wealth. He is well known in portraits, landscapes and subject paintings, especially for his work of leaders such as Chairman Mao. His oil painting skills, skilled, vigorous, colorful, realistic and romantic Chinese style and impressionist style. He has held four solo oil painting exhibitions in Beijing and one painting exhibition in France. His teacher, Professor Dai Ze Lao, said that his oil paintings were first-class in China, and a French painter said that he had not seen such a good oil painting for a long time.

  Mr.Shu Junhuan has no prominent position or a very high professional title. He is not in the art circle, but with his extraordinary works won the relevant units and the painting circle of the Ministry of Culture, the painting and calligraphy media highly appreciated and the highest evaluation. As early as 2009, for the first time, he joined several famous people in the oil painting circle (Wu Guanzhong, Jin Shangyi, Zhan Jianjun, Zhao Wuji, Quan Shishi) and were selected into the large collection of oil paintings published by the Cultural Management Society of the Ministry of Culture to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. At the time of the central academy of fine arts art history graduate tutor professor li chun spoke highly of his oil painting achievements, and wrote an article "the most strength and appreciation of space painting shu huan" (published in "people's meritorious artist"), he wrote: " I think in the field of oil painting (leader), Mr Huan is worthy of the name, unique....... It is no exaggeration to call Mr.Jun Huan a landscape oil painting....... It can be seen that Jun Huan's portrait oil painting is not inferior to other oil paintings. To sum up, Mr.Jun Huan can be regarded as an all-around oil painting master (see "The Masters of Chinese Culture and Art"). He deserves to be included in the book Sixty Years and Six Masters."In the following years, the painting and calligraphy circle and the painting and calligraphy media gave Mr.Shu Yuhuan the title of oil painting master, painting master, art leader, master of Chinese culture and art, and people's meritorious artist. Mr.Shu Junhuan is ranked first among all the masters of the same level. In January 2015, the heavyweight picture album "Culture China —— National Treasure Art Master", jointly created by China Global Culture Press and China International Art Appraisal Center, was officially published. In the book, there are ten national treasure art masters after the founding of the People's Republic of China, among which the late six are Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi, Li Keran, Li Kuchan, Wu Guanzhong and Qigong, and the last four of them are Shu Junhuan, Fan Zeng, Liu Dawei and He Jiaying. Mr.Shu junhuan has 20 pages, while the other nine had six and four pages. In order of order, Mr.Shu Junhuan also ranked first. It can be seen that it is an indisputable fact that Mr.The artistic value of Shu Yuhuan's oil painting has a very high status.

  The level of artistic value depends on the degree of perfect combination of artistic skills and ideological connotation in artistic works. Mr.Shu Qinghuan's oil paintings not only have superb oil painting skills, but also contain the profound ideological connotation of praising the party, praising the country, praising the leaders, praising nature and expressing the people, and the two have achieved the degree of perfect combination and unity. Therefore, the artistic value content of his works is extremely high.

  In January 2017, the Art Appraisal and Evaluation Committee of Beijing AVIC Ancient Cultural Relics Appraisal Center awarded Mr.Shu Yuhuan the Chinese Art Runge Evaluation Certificate, and the evaluation result: oil painting works are 1200,000 yuan to 1600,000 yuan / square foot. This is also one of the best in China.

  Shu Junan Huan's works are divided into 11 series, such as Leader Style, Portrait, Human Body, The Great Wall and Water Town. His representative works include "Chairman MAO and the Hero Model together", "Chairman MAO in the Study", "Ode to the Great Wall", "Zhangjiajie Morning", "The Painter's Lady" and so on.



Long live the people (100cm×170cm)



Chairman Mao of the CPC Central Committee (180cm×220cm)



Dongfang Hong (170cm×215cm)



Founding Fathers (142cm×220cm)



Chairman MAO and the Ten Marshals (170cm×315cm)



Father MAO Zedong (120cm×180cm)



Cloud flying is still calm (140cm×200cm)



Spring Snow (107cm×210cm)



Sunrise Xiangjiang River (120cm×200cm)



Like to see rice millet thousand heavy waves (120cm×200cm)



Great Wall Chaoyang (61cm×80cm)



Water Town Family (61cm×80cm)



a riot of colour (65cm×100cm)



Happy Family (81cm×116cm)



Self-portrait (54cm×81cm)

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