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来源:中华网    编辑:Emily     浏览量:

Linglan Yaji International Tea Culture festival:Inheriting Millenniums of Culture


  On May 21, 2023, twenty-five young diplomats from Liberia gathered at the Linglan Yaji International Tea Culture Festival hosted in the Financier's Club. In this cultural event, participants not only tasted the exquisite skills of traditional Chinese tea art but also gained a deeper understanding of China's long and rich history.




  Founder of Linglan Yaji , tea artist Le Yun, introduced the traditional Chinese tea culture in an elegant manner, focusing on the application methods of white tea like Moonlight Beauty and performing Kungfu tea for foreign friends. Under Le Yun's guidance, everyone experienced the process of brewing white tea and appreciated its unique flavor. This tea art performance not only showcased the charm of traditional Chinese tea culture but also amazed foreign friends with China's tea art.



  Artist Wan Ling presented an interactive way to show the evolution of Chinese characters over thousands of years. He explained the different stages of calligraphy, allowing viewers to have a clearer understanding of the development of Chinese characters. Artist Wan Ling also invited foreign friends to take up a brush and write their names on Xuan paper, experiencing the magical charm of Chinese characters while enhancing friendship and understanding between young diplomats from different countries.



  The Linglan Yaji International Tea Culture Festival was a gathering of diverse cultures. Here, young diplomats not only felt the charm of traditional Chinese tea culture but also deeply explored the richness and sophistication of Chinese civilization. Through this event, participants strengthened their belief in inheriting and developing world civilizations, and in playing an active role in promoting international friendship and exchange.



  At the tea culture festival young diplomats actively participated in exchange and interaction activities. Everyone expressed that through this event they gained a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese culture and felt the world's cultures to be more closely connected. Many foreign friends asked Le Yun for advice on various details of Chinese tea art, hoping to bring these techniques back to their countries and pass them down to future generations.



  The Linglan Yaji International Tea Culture Festival provided young diplomats with a rare opportunity to learn, communicate, and cooperate in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. After the tea culture festival the young diplomats indicated that they would continue to pay attention to the development of traditional Chinese culture and would look forward to more such events to promote international friendship and cultural exchange. At the same time, they were willing to share what they had learned with younger generations in their own countries and jointly pass along and promote the treasures of world civilizations.



  After the tea culture festival the young diplomats had a group photo with staff of the club and expressed their desire to maintain contact, continuing to share their cultures and experiences. Many diplomats also said that they would recommend traditional Chinese tea culture to the younger generation in their home countries to carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation.



  The Linglan Yaji International Tea Culture Festival created a platform for young diplomats to learn, communicate, and cooperate in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Through this event young diplomats not only deepened their understanding of traditional Chinese culture but also enhanced friendship and broadened horizons. This has positive implications for promoting international friendship and cultural exchange. The successful organization of this event not only showcased the charm of traditional Chinese culture but also demonstrated the determination and confidence of international young diplomats in inheriting and developing world civilizations. It is believed that in the days to come these young envoys will continue to contribute to promoting international friendship and cultural exchange.









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