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来源:北国网    编辑:Emily     浏览量:


  Calligraphy and calligraphy contains the extensive and profound national culture. Under the background of building a strong socialist culture, it is particularly important to inherit and develop the art of painting and calligraphy. In the artistic creation of deep life, the creators are full of enthusiasm, with the creative state full of passion, grasp the pulse of The Times, listen to the sound of The Times, show the national spirit with vivid works, appreciate the artistic essence and philosophical connotation of painting and calligraphy, and describe the spiritual map of the new era. As a famous contemporary painter, Mr.Chen grong positioned himself as his creation in walking into nature, culture and tradition. His works reflect the special charm of the overall poetic beauty and fresh charm of traditional aesthetics and the spirit of The Times. Therefore, the Global Culture and Art Channel presents his tireless exploration in the inheritance and development of painting and calligraphy from many aspects; casting the national cultural character and spirit; even the beautiful art shows his great vision of his mind, and expresses his learning mind and aesthetic pursuit.


  陈洪荣,男 1946年出生,山东省济南市长清区牛山村人。中共党员、参战时荣立战功。被授予“艺术博士”。现任中国美协、书协会员、湖南常德市武陵书画协会会员、名誉会长、中国桂林炎黄书画院院士、一缓书画家、江苏省南京金陵书画院一级书画师、印社常务理事、内蒙古呼和浩特青年书画院院士、中国神州书画院院士、天津市海河书画院士、中国世纪专家中国武陵协会高级书画画师、中国收藏艺术研究院理事、中国藏典收藏家协会特约研究员、联合国美术家协会会员和中国诗书画研究员、海内外知名书画家协会会员、艺联网特聘艺术家。













  Chen grong, male born in 1946, Niushan Village, Changqing District, Jinan City, Shandong Province. Member of the Communist Party of China, who participated in the war. Was warded "Doctor of Art". Current Chinese artists, calligraphy association member, Hunan changDE city wuling painting and calligraphy association member, honorary President, academician, calligraphy, Nanjing jinling academy, Jiangsu province, calligraphy, standing director, Inner Mongolia, Hohhot youth academy, China shenzhou academy, Tianjin haihe painting and calligraphy, Chinese century experts China wuling association, China collection art institute director, special researcher, Chinese collection collector association, the UN artists association member and Chinese poetry and calligraphy researcher, famous calligraphy association members, art networking distinguished artists.

  In 2016 works "interpreta dream China" by the Brazilian Rio Olympic Games Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy masters exhibition painting and calligraphy expert selection committee strictly approval, into the exhibition "the 2016 Rio Olympic Games contemporary calligraphy exhibition", by Sao Paulo art museum Brazil collection, 2019 in New York, Seoul, South Korea, Florence, Italy tour works by Dali collection was hired as a "art messenger". In the same year, he participated in the "Chinese World Records Circle" and his three works won the "Lifetime Creation Award".

  In 2020, The State Council awarded the exhibition of "People's Artists". In the same year, he participated in three charity sales against the epidemic, and the charity sale money was donated to the relevant departments,

  In 2020, he participated in the International exhibitions of South Korea, Italy and the United States, and his works won the special prize and were collected by Italy.

  In 2020, he participated in the Art Exhibition of "Yang China's Soul, Save the Chinese, and Salute National China Day" held by the People's Daily Art Appreciation Center, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other units, and won the grand prize. The jury composed of authoritative calligraphers and painters was awarded the award of "Outstanding Chinese Artists and people's artists in the field of painting and calligraphy art". He was submitted by the jury of the People's Artists Committee of the Republic to the State Council of the Republic for approval to express the "People's Artists of the State Council". In the same year, he was awarded as "National First-class artist" by the State National Affairs Association, and was specially awarded as "Special Artist for National Rites" by the People's Republic of China.

  In 2021, he was selected as "100 Outstanding Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Art" and awarded the honorary title of "National Treasure Art Master". Chairman Fan Dean wrote the "Master of Calligraphy" to Teacher Chen Hongrong. He was rated as "National Treasure Art Master" by the World National Treasure Association, and the publishing ceremony was distributed at home and abroad.

  In 2021, he participated in "China 21st Season- -Central Avenue of Stars".

  In July 2021, he was awarded the certificate of honor and awarded the collection seal as the "World-Class Master of Art" by the China Cultural Exchange Center.

  In 2021, the World Literary and Artists Association selected 10 (Fan Dean, Sun Xiaoyun, Chen Hon, etc.) from 100 artists to be merged into the United Nations and published to the world by the United Nations Daily.

  In August 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "Ambassador of Chinese National Image and World Communication" by participating in the activity of "To Tell Chinese Stories to the World with Art", and issued commemorative chest MEDALS.

  On September I, 2021, he was rated as the top ten Outstanding contribution artists in China.

  On September 9,2021, he obtained the professional qualification certificate of art critic professional technician.

  In 2022, through the joint research of Beijing Contemporary Global Calligraphy and Painting Academy Co., Ltd., Global Network and other cultural institutions, Mr.Chen grong was specially hired as the art consultant of Beijing Contemporary Global Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and the 20 paintings were presented to congratulate the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China.


















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